Monday, September 1, 2008

Nigeria: Leadership Question And the Ken Nnammani Centre -

Chuks Ohuegbe

In the small over two old age he presided over as the President of the Senate, Kenechukwu Nnamani left his imprints in the littoral of time. He became the president of the Senate at a very trying time period in the nation's political history. It was a clip former President Olusegun Obasanjo had put in movement machinery aimed at becoming a life president. The Fifth National Assembly chaired by Nnamani, especially the senate, truncated this dream.

Now a statesman, senator Nnamani experiences that there are missing ingredients in our leading content. These lacking ingredients could probably business relationship for why Africa is a mention point for bad leadership, for example. It also explains, in the main, why the degree of discontentment among the led is becoming increasingly high. At the root of this leading spread is the absence of an abiding transformative leadership. A linguistic context analysis of leading development in the African states demo that most modern times leadership emerge quite unprepared for the tremendous task. The few diligent 1s larn on the job, while the host of others function out their terms of office drifting.

Senator Nnamani who had a first manus experience of the leading jobs facing our state during his stewardship as a federal lawmaker believes that the absence of establishments and institutional chemical mechanisms on leading preparation is the curse of our polity. The conceptualisation and scene up of the Cognizance Nnamani Centre for Leadership and Development is aimed at filling this gap.

Personalities that graced the formal launch of the centre, which included three former Heads of state and the former Ghanaian President, Flt. Lt. Kraut Rawlings as it were, suggested what could function as a road-map for the centre.

General Yakubu Gowon who ruled the state for over eight years, pigeon-holed Africa's leading job to the absence of committed and selfless political leaders. The absence of this leading ingredient, he posits, is largely responsible for the slow gait of development and growth.

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In the station common cold warfare era, almost all the African leadership are paying lip service to democracy. This, Gowon explicates is because of the traces of the continent's autocratic past times still looms large.

"While Africa embraced democracy as a word form of government, it is sad that African leadership have got been less than democratic in their committedness to their citizens. While our elites painted fantastic images of the benefits of our new establish system of government, they have got sadly short-changed our people even after consecutive authorities come up and go. Our citizens often have got got got go sureties to a social class of sit-tight crazy/foxy pseudo-democrats with propensity for looting, greed, corruptness and mal-administration.

"While our citizens yearn endlessly for alteration in their well-being, the lone alteration they have witnessed have been different word forms of impoverishments, political intimidation, intolerance of opposing views, maltreatments of power, complete contempt for the elector as the ultimate umpire in any democratic procedure and character assassination of political oppositions are all signalings of the declining political states of affairs in most African States."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for the great post
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